
Friday, September 28, 2012

Fast Production: Hurting The Consumer

One of the things that bothers me the most about mobile manufacturers these days, is the fact that they are producing devices too quickly. Not that there are too many different device, which was covered in a this post, but that the devices we end up with are not tested to the fullest. 

There have been times where I've purchased a new product and noticed a bug, then after searching the internet I find that there are tons of other people with the same problem. At times like these, I just wonder Didn't they test for things like this? 

I hate feeling like I'm a beta tester for these products. I think if a company feels that their product is ready for consumers, then they should have a group of tester use that device in their personal lives for at least a week. That way, manufacturers would have an accurate report of real life use. Not everything can be discovered with a quick, in-lab test session.

If I'm going to spend my hard-earned cash on these revolutionary electronics, I want to know that everything works. But that's just me. How do you feel about this subject?

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